​Informational Meeting:
Each prospective dancer and one parent/guardian must attend the mandatory pre-tryout meeting on April 14th, 2025 at 7:00pm in the DCHS South Building Commons. This meeting will introduce you to our program, and coaches, and answer any questions you have regarding the tryout process.
Tryout Dates:
April 23, 2025 - 5:30-8:00pm in South Gym
April 24, 2025 - 5:30-8:00pm in South Gym
April 25, 2025 - 5:30-8:00pm in South Gym
April 26, 2025 - 8:30-11:00am in South Gym
Tryout Attire:
Wear solid black form-fitting dance attire that allows for ease of movement.
Refrain from wearing short booties or sports bras.
Remove all jewelry and refrain from chewing gum.
Bring both tennis shoes and jazz shoes/turners.
Wednesday, April 23rd
5:30pm - Check-in begins
All required forms are due at check-in. No late forms will be accepted.
Completed Online Application and Consent
2 Teacher Evaluations - sealed and signed (in packet)
Up to date physical turned into the athletic office
$40 Tryout Fee (cash or venmo @dc-poms)
6:00-8:00pm - Warm up/stretch, go over technique that will be judged, learn sideline combo, learn combo #1
Thursday, April 24th
5:30-8:00pm - Warm up/stretch, review sideline combo, review combo #1, learn combo #2
Friday, April 25th
5:30-8:00pm - Warm up/stretch, review combos, technique tryouts
Saturday, April 26th
8:30am - Group warm up/stretch, combo tryouts
Final teams will be announced by the end of the day on April 26th. All decisions are final. Please note, tryouts are closed to the public.
Post-Tryout Meeting:
Any dancer who makes a team will need to attend a meeting with a parent or guardian on April 28th at 7:00pm.​
Examples of Technical Requirements for JV:
Single/Double pirouette
1 eight count - turns in second into a double pirouette on the right
Toe Touch
Right leap
C Jump
Kip Up
Right/Left Split
Middle Split
Right or left leg hold
Additionally, beginner to intermediate experience in Jazz, Pom and Hip Hop is encouraged
Examples of Technical Requirements for Varsity: All of the JV requirements, plus:
Triple/Quad pirouette
2-3 eight counts - turns in second into a double pirouette on the right
Advanced turns in second (box turns, attitudes, floats, change of speed, etc)
Double Toe Touch
Turning Disc
Tilt Jump
Aerial (left, right, or front)
Switch leaps/jump (leap, center, tilt, etc)
Right or left leg turn
Additionally, intermediate to advanced experience in Jazz, Pom and Hip Hop is expected.
*Not meeting a specific technical requirement does not necessarily determine your placement in the program. These requirements should be used as a guide.

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."